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Cece Duval

pro g(r)a(m)mer

spiritual airbending dancer

mad mathematician


Hello World!

My name is Celeste (Cece) Duval and I'm an expert in everything and nothing.

Things I bring to the Table


The Knack with a Minor in Mathematics

I have the knack... for technology. My mom says I always have. She's worried I'm not like other kids. Yesterday, she left me alone for a minute and I disassembled the TV, clock, and the stereo. The part that worries her is I used the components to build a ham radio set... It's worse than the doctor feared. He's afraid I have the knack. It's a rare condition characterized by an extreme intuition of all things mechanical and electrical... and utter social ineptitude. Can I lead a normal life? No, I'll be an engineer.


1999 Genetic Lottery Winner

I was not only cursed with the knack but blessed with luck in the 1999 Genetic Lottery. It was just by chance that I formed into an extremely aesthetic human. Don't ask me how I did it. Just thank my parents for their contribution to the world.

Ethereum Token

Obsessive Passion for the Future of the Blockchain

I only started to learn about technology and the blockchain to impress my ex boyfriend. But turns out I'm actually super into it. Funny how things work out. I had no desire to learn about tech until I started learning about it, but now I'm obsessed with it. You could say I follow the D.A.O. (decentralized autonomous organization)

Get In Touch

I suppose that would be acceptable.